Research shows companies with high profitability tend to have loyal customers who receive great service from colleagues with high levels of loyalty and satisfaction. LRI develops measures of colleague satisfaction and retention for our clients’ organizations.
The resulting survey instruments assess the most important variables related to the organization’s values and goals, and aspects of a company’s “climate” such as colleague growth and development, commitment, job content, compensation and benefits, process quality, working environment, and leader credibility.
Colleagues provide confidential quantitative and qualitative feedback online on a wide variety of organizational issues.
The survey results are compiled into clear and compelling reports, supported by expert analysis and consulting.
LRI then advises clients on the development and execution of action plans for improvement, and follow-up processes are developed to ensure accountability and impact.
LRI provides tiered offerings for colleague survey work, ranging from surveys consisting of an established core set of items to highly customized instruments. All tiers of surveys provide our clients with useful information that can help them improve colleague satisfaction and loyalty, and alignment with organizational values. LRI also supports clients in developing topical surveys on issues such as work-life balance, benefits analysis, organizational climate, and communications vehicles.
Our research staff can also provide customized analyses of data and comparisons between a client’s organization scores and scores associated with top performing organizations. With experienced research team members on staff, LRI is able to mine a client’s survey results and identify items that are predictive of key outcomes, items that best differentiate group membership, differences among or between groups, linkages across data sets (e.g., between colleague satisfaction or turnover data), and more.
LRI has developed a number of different types of surveys that clients can use “off the shelf” or as a starting point for developing their own customized assessment process.
Engagement (E*Optimize)
Looking for a new, fresh, and sophisticated assessment of your employees’ engagement to the organization? LRI’s engagement survey is designed for action, providing you details about the many drivers of engagement. And it can be easily customized too, which is critical for organizations wanting to add their own items or focus their survey on a particular area of interest. And because LRI’s engagement model is based on the firm’s own research and a thorough review of the many other engagement models out there, it will be easy to make the switch to LRI.
For more information about the Engagement survey process, contact the LRI research practice at
Culture Profiler
LRI’s Culture Profiler allows an organization, department or work team to generate a profile of its perceived culture (as described by incumbents). It shows senior leaders how their behaviors and practices are shaping culture and affecting performance. While this descriptive information in and of itself is of interest, LRI has found it to be particularly insightful to ask individuals to compare their team’s actual culture with its ideal culture (i.e., how the respondent would like the culture to be) and to assess the degree of match.
Once an organization’s cultural landscape has been mapped, LRI works with organizations to create grass roots efforts to shape more productive and desirable cultures. These changes in organizational culture are then linked with leader/manager practices, policies, and behaviors to drive cultural ownership and empowerment. Finally, organizations are reassessed after a period of time to identify where team members believe growth has occurred, and where continued opportunities for cultural change exist.
For more information about the Culture Profiler survey process, contact the LRI research practice at
Client Satisfaction
LRI conducts research to improve client loyalty for business-to-business (B2B)and business to consumer (B2C) firms. Data serves as a catalyst to change employee behaviors and organizational culture. The mission is to create loyalty between our clients and their customers by shifting their relationship from that of vendor and purchaser to that of true and valued business partners, by:
- Identifying service attributes that are most important to clients
- Obtaining in-depth feedback from key client stakeholders (senior and front-line management) using questionnaires and interviews
- Presenting the data in meaningful reports and actionable briefings
- Using LRI’s extensive research on the key attributes that distinguish those organizations that effectively partner with their customers from those who are perceived simply as vendors by customers, allowing our clients to understand the ideal end-state toward which they could strive
- Supporting and consulting with its B2B clients to identify and execute action plans geared toward maximizing customer satisfaction and loyalty
For more information about the Client Satisfaction survey process, contact the LRI research practice at